Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Sreepada Sreevallabha Charitaamrutam - 30

Sri Sreepada personally announces that Sreepada Sreevallabha Maha Samsthanam will be established
Living beings have 64 stages of consciousness. The people of ‘saabara’cult employ 64 saabara mantras to identify themselves in these 64 stages of consciousness and uplift the living beings. Dattatreya Him-self is the Aadiguru of the Nathaa cult! This figure of Sreepada Sreevallabha which is present before you is actually Datta of the yore! There are 64 squares in the chess-board. It was said that Sree Maha Vishnu is playing with Sree Maha Lakshmi the entertaining game of chess. The inner meaning is that Sree Maha Vishnu is witnessing the expansion and evolution of life of various living beings who are in these 64 stages of consciousness and is granting them appropriate grace in their states of evolution and is enjoying the divine entertainment.
Qualifications required for a man to evolve as a divya aatma
The place of evolution of men depend on the status of consciousness in their bodies. It is an inviolable law of universal mind that man should transform as a divine soul. The illumination of aatmajyoti depends on the yogic methods, mantra, yagna and other sacrificial rites, and philanthropic acts performed by humans according to their levels of perfection. The purification of nerves goes on according to that illumination. Depending upon the levels of purity of nerves many kinds of physical, mental and spiritual faculties develop in human beings. Divine grace will depend upon the virtuous deeds done by them when those faculties or forces develop. Shankar Bhatt!Know that My Maha Samsthanam will be formed in Sree Pithikapuram at My birth place. Sri Pithikapuram, Syamalambapuram (Samalkota) and Vaayasapura Agraharam (Kakinada) will merge and become a big city. Visitors in My Maha Samsthanam look like rows of ants.
 Many, many strange things take place in kali yuga. A great ‘saadhaka’ hailing from Vasistha lineage will be employed as a priest in Sreepada Sreevallabha Maha Samsthan. There would be no end to the divine plays conducted with him. Every moment will be filled with divine sportive plays, and divine entertainment. Even thousand births are not sufficient to behold His divine charming smile.
Victory Victory unto Sri Sreepada Sreevallabha!

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