Wednesday, August 27, 2014


This is a meditation specifically designed for losing weight with Reiki.
As with anything Reiki, tweak it to your liking, to make it more personal if you wish. You can also just use it exactly as described. Enjoy
Step 1. Sit in your favorite meditation position.
Step 2. Set the intention of the session, either by saying it out loud, or quietly to yourself, “for the highest good, may the Reiki flow through my body, and wash away the energies and the matter that no longer serve me.“
Step 3. Draw Cho Ku Rei three times, and say its name.
Step 4. Clear your mind and start the flow of Reiki. Breathe slowly, deeply and be present.
Step 5. Envision the energy coming in through your Crown Chakra, and flowing through your body, down into the Earth. As it does this, it takes down with it all the “stuff”, such as
energy “debris” that was attached to your body and to your aura
toxic substances that “pollute” your inner environment, whether it’s from food, water, the air, smoke, or wherever
emotional issues related to your body, which need to be released
fears, frustrations, guilt, shame – allow them to detach, allow yourself to be free of them
anything else that you feel needs to be “washed away”
Step 6. Continue envisioning this for a while. Use the symbols as your intuition guides you. Adjust the flow of Reiki with Cho Ku Rei, heal emotional wounds with Sei He Ki, use the distance symbol if you feel inclined to, or other symbols you’ve been given. When you sense you’re done for now, continue with the next step.
Step 7. Now that your body and aura are clean, imagine that the energy keeps flowing through you, but part of it stays with you. Intend that the white or golden light fills you, and that this energy will act on its own, and it will act as a “guardian”, washing down “stuff” that may come up later.
Step 8. Finish by sealing the energy using the Power symbol, grounding yourself, thanking Reiki, or doing anything that you’d normally do when you finish a treatment. Drink plenty of water with reiki 7 chakras crystals.
Additional tips.
Keep in mind that Reiki has “compound effect”. If you practice it regularly, new sessions will “build on top” of previous sessions, accelerating the healing process. On the other hand, if you only practice every now and then, the foundation you start building in one session will be “in ruins” by the time you “revisit” it and you’ll have to start from scratch again.
Source - Guru Darshan Singh Ji

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