My faith in Baba was growing as the reading of Sai Satcharitra was progressing . Tears flowed from my eyes as i read the chapters and experiences of devotees, who blindly believed in baba and He was there world. Such was the effect and miracle of Baba, he puts mind to rest, quells bad thoughts and our soul surrenders to Him unconditionally. Baba truly says only His OWN people could get the blessing of visiting him, grace of knowing him and reading his leela's. He attracts his people even across the seven seas like a sparrow. I was expreiencing same feeling.
On that night i was reading chapter 40 of Sai Satcharitra before going to sleep. As usual i was crying for Sai Nath's grace, asking justice... The chapter describes how Sai Nath comes in the dream of Hemadpant, assures to visit his house for dinner and miraculously two unknown persons deliver a parcel of Sai Baba's picture to Hemadpant , right at the moment the family was ready for dinner. Overcome by emotions, i hugged the holy book close to my heart and cried to Baba '' Will you come to meet me tomorrow like you came to Hemadpant ? I am dying to meet you and if my prayers are reaching you.. please come to meet me tomorrow '' After finishing the chapter i slept and forgot everything next morning.
Next morning i left home early to an important meeting and could not even find to prepare lunch . When i came back to office around 1 pm , i was very hungry, therefore asked the peon to get a plate of rice and dal for me from the canteen. I had lunch with some of my colleagues sharing jokes and amidst gossips. Everybody left the room one by one after finishing their lunch and i was left as i eat very slowly and relish each bite. Suddenly i saw the leaf of a newspaper which was covered on the lunch plate when the peon brought the lunch and i had put it aside on the table without even seeing. On that newspaper , i saw picture of Sai Baba and i was literally shivering with tears flowing from my eyes, i recalled my prayer of previous night. I was surprised and shocked to see my prayers were not only heard but Sai Nath replied and kept his promise and visited me too just like he visited Hemadpant. I could not believe my eyes but thats how leela's of Baba are.. they are indescribable , beyond the imagination of poor mortals like us.
I immediately took the newspaper and later kept it in my Pooja place with lot of care and reverence.
Thank you Baba for reaffirming my faith in you time and again.
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