During the summer vacations, my neices visited my house. They are 7 and 4 and my daughters are 10 and 7 years old. All are very religious. Every night i used to narrate Baba's stories to them and slowly they started loving Baba. They started insisting that if you say Baba is around us, knows all that we speak to Him and listens our prayers... please call him to our house.. we want to meet him. I smiled and said.. Whenever devotees call Baba comes... they insisted that they want to see Baba. I was sure of Baba because he never lets his devotees down ..so i prayed to him to come to our home next morning and strengthen their belief in Him..
Next day i went to office, but asked my mother to prepare halwa and offer to Sai. When i came home at 5.30 pm in the evening kids were jumping with excitement, they told me Sai came to our house and actually had the halwa with his own hands. I smiled at the creative story of the kids as children have powerful imagination. But they tried to convince me..that Baba actually came, meanwhile my mother came outside from the kitchen and showed me the utensil in which halwa was made and offered.. i clearly saw five big fingers on the preparation.... My mom confessed that the kids offered halwa and closed the door and were singing Sai bhajan alongwith the jingles of the bell for fifteen minutes and finally when they opened the door and saw the utensil... they saw marks of five big fingers..which can't be of any other then my Sai Baba, who came on the request of the little kids to strengthen their faith... and i was happy that he honoured words of a sinner like me...
OM SAI RAM.......
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