Me and my friend, another staunch devotee of Baba discuss our experiences about Sai and his stories in Sai Satcharitra whenever we sit together. Since we both read the holy book almost everyday, i shared a thought with her. I told her.. since Baba advocates Vishnu Sahasranaam and asked his devotees to read it.. we should also read it. She agreed. Since that day we got serious and started google searching about all those books mentioned in Sai Satcharitra . We were like going crazy for Vishnu Sahasranaam and finally found an electronic copy.. when a strange thing happened.
One fine morning, she came to me and shared a dream of hers..
It was like this.. Baba stood in front of her, holding Sai Satcharitra and asked her few questions from that book and she could not answer any.. then Baba said .. if you dont know so many things from this book itself, why are you searching other books.. first of all.. try to understand this...
I was so shocked at the clear message from Baba. We both laughed a lot on our ignorance and foolishness. From that day, we became more humble and concentrate on just one book... our life ..Sai Satcharitra ... just as Baba desired.