I experienced a miracle of Sai Baba in October 2010 which attracted me to his Lotus Feet. After that experience, i started reading Sai Satcharitra online and read it on a site till April. I searched the book in the market in my town and original version was not available anywhere. In March last week, when i completed Parayan online, i prayed to Baba that my eyes are in pain and i can not read Sai Satcharitra anymore on the computer, i asked him to get me the book before i started the next parayan. Those days i used to do parayan continously.

Suddenly, in April first week i had to go to Chandigarh.My sister in law told me about a Sai temple there and we decided to visit there in the evening.Before that,we decided to go to market to get original Sai Satcharitra. We searched two big markets and failed to get one. I was disappointed. So my sister in law called up her sister and few other sai devotees she knew, they all told that if i didnt get the book in the markets i searched, then the copy could be procured from Shirdi through post or Delhi. One devotee informed that he would visit Shirdi next month and would get me a copy. My sister in law asked me to wait till next month however i was sad, one more month i had to read Sai Satcharitra online whereas my poor eyesight was troubling me badly. With heavy heart, i visited the temple. After taking Baba's darshan,i came out, my sister in law went to collect some prashad. While standing at the gate, i noticed reception room and a security guard standing outside. I had no clue, what my instincts told me, i went up to him and asked where i could get the book. He asked me to search in the market, but the man who was sitting in the reception addressed me and asked what i wanted. When i told him, he asked the security guard to check in the store. Unwillingly the guard went inside and after 5 minutes came out with the Book . He said that though all copies were distributed long back, somehow this one remained in the store and none had a clue about it.When i offered to pay, he refused and said that i could keep it as a gift from Baba.

I was simply overwhelmed with emotions and my eyes filled with tears. On that evening i searched all big markets, but finally got the book in Baba's temple itself. The most striking thing about the book was that it was in a very big font and i could read it without my glasses. I was so thankful to Baba, he not only gave me the book but also took care of a trivial thing like my poor eye sight. And he heard my prayers too, i got rid of computer and did my next parayan through Baba's gifted book itself. OM SAI RAM ! ! !
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