Last night i was very depressed. I was introspecting deeply about various questions that were staring me and crying for answers. In order to calm myself, i read a chapter of Sai Satcharitra on my site and few stories about Baba on Hetal Patil's blog in the evening. Finally before going to sleep , i spent five minutes praying to Baba to show me right direction , right path and ability to make right choices. I prayed to him to bless me by visiting me the next morning ( today ) in any form if my prayers were reaching HIM and HE was with me and supporting my decisions.
That was not enough, i also accused him for being cruel to me because he was not benevolent enough to help me get me a new copy of Sai Satcharitra as i gave my most precious copy to a poor girl in my office who's in great distress these days. I felt so helpless because i needed that book very badly because whenever i am low i hug that book tightly , cry, talk and sleep.
I left to office early today and was busy till lunch in a meeting. In the afternoon, a strange thing happened. A batch mate of mine walked into my room with whom i disagree on every official matter, fight almost every week with him because he's a great flirt. I fought with him last week only and after that he left for a week long tour and since then we didnt even speak properly on even official matters. I decided to ignore him and offered a cool response. However, he didnt bother about my nonchalant attitude. He shocked me by presenting a book to me , he was smiling and waiting for my reaction. I could not believe my eyes , the book was SAI LEELAMRIT PRINTED BY SAI BABA TRUST SHIRDI . I was overwhelmed with emotions, the book was not a publication by just any ordinary publication house...... it was coming right from Baba's abode, Shirdi.
Baba heard my prayers.. he not only visited me and blessed me by indicating that he was supporting me.. but also sent me a most precious gift , the book with his pictures .. i was longing for......
I also felt sorry for my behaviour and decided to be more calm in future and made up with him.. we are friends again ! ! !
Baba's Birthday Gift
It was my birthday on Feb 19th. As usual, i prayed to Sai Baba to bless me and guide me towards right path always.
But Baba is not just my Guru, he's my pal, i talk to him, confide in him and also fight with him when i get angry. So i made a demand to my Baba for a birthday gift like my Gayatri demands chokalates when i come home every evening. I asked Baba as what gift he was giving me on my birthday .
To my surprise on that day, a friend of mine came to me and handed over a small packet of UDI ( ash of dhuni of Sai Baba ) along with a picture of Sai Baba. She told me that Saidham Temple of Ahmedabad was offering this service of sending free picture and Udi of Baba to devotees free of cost and they sent her these on her request to them. I was so pleased to see that precious birthday gift from none other than Sai Baba... My Baba never fails his devotees !
Anybody interested in seeking Sai Baba's blessings in form of UDI and his picture can visit the site www.saidhamsola.org and make a request for these.